Together with the Life saving warriors “Clinical Perfusionists in India and neighbouring Countries, we are privileged and proud to introduce the Quarterly “Perfusion Chronicle”.
Last few years I had the immense opportunity to meet almost all the practicing Perfusionists and Students in all the states from Kerala to Kashmir and Gujarat to North East not only at National conference venues , but at state and city level small and large groups as well as in “Pump rooms”. The interaction with such a vibrant group of professionals have been encouraging and the zeal I have noticed in your eyes for CME and unilateral opinion to set basic protocols and standards for Practice of Perfusion is of course the motivation behind the “Perfusion Chronicle”.
We would like to thank and appreciate all for the whole hearted support for the E-registration and contribution for the same which made it possible to release the first issue, special thanks to those who spend extra hours and contributed their thoughts in this edition. This experience sharing platform is designed for perfusionist community with
intent to receive inputs, suggestions, experience, research findings, thoughts for the future, difference of opinions etc. freely. I request everybody to take it in the same spirit and ultimately the unity triumphs over all the weaknesses by complementing each other.
Let the Strength of One support the weakness of the Other for the noble cause of supporting Health and life.
The theme for the first two editions will be CPB induced SIRS and the ways by which we can intervene and minimize the negative effect on patient and facilitate a faster recovery and better quality of life post CPB. The write ups are brief aiming to encourage to open and understand the vast and ever evolving techniques and strategies to counter SIRS in daily clinical practice . Major contributor and Initiator of SIRS is “Contact activation “ and the same could be minimized by improving biocompatibility of CPB circuit by coating the circuit with various options like Phosphorylcholine (PC), silicon, synthetic proteins, polymers or surface -modifying additives.
At present most oxygenators in the market are coated with PC and the clinical benefits as well efficacy of PC coating is proven. As we know the CPB circuit surface area is almost 4 times higher than that of Oxygenator, if left uncoated, how much more it will lead for surface contact activation and subsequent SIRS ??. Encourage all to initiate the discussion and study in your hospital engaging also the Anesthesiologists and post operative Critical Care Specialists for next 3 months till the next edition is released. Request to send your valuable inputs and thoughts of such discussions to enable us to edit all and compile it and give back to you for greater purpose.
Application of CPB in conventional form or as Miecc . ECMO , ECLS etc. are getting widely used in most of the Critical care facilities .
Experience and opinion shared about Elective CPB for high risk TAVI is extremely informative and could be adapted by all TAVI Centers .
Miecc could be more beneficial for such supportive therapies especially in view of minimizing SIRS and ease of handling the circuit . CPB
basics shared in the Chronicle is beneficial and considerate for the upcoming younger generation in the field.
In this ever evolving Clinical Perfusion world , it is immature to be satisfied with the “ routine”, instead let us involve in deeper study and discussions about the emerging and proven advancements in the technology of PC coating of CPB components . Let the “good” give way for the “better” in our sincere effort to make the best Clinical Perfusion practice .
Thank you all once again for your attention & support repeatedly